Raw [Men]tality

07. Unmask

Poetic great, Paul Laurence Dunbar, once said, “We Wear the Mask.” Here we are, more than a century later, and we as people, we as Black people have yet to #unmask. Whether it’s due to a system of miseducation and a subconscious full of self-hate, or just not been able to reach that point of growth and acknowledgement of authenticity, unmasking and healing can be challenging, yet rewarding, but it’s definitely necessary. Check out the latest entry of Raw [Men]tality ft. Tj Wynn.

Any men that are interested in submitting a Raw [Men]tality entry, please DM us via Twitter @ArtofaRebel / IG:@artofarebel , or you can email us @artofarebelstudios@gmail.com.